Who Does What To Run Great Swim Meets?

Last updated on July 22nd, 2020 at 04:42 pm

Great swim meets take a lot of people doing many things to run well. Here, you’ll learn more about the various roles needed to run and host swim meets and the areas where work is done.

  1. Who:  The various roles needed to host, and run, swim meets
  2. Does what:  The areas which need work done

Looking for a list of specific tasks needed to host a meet an idea of when to do them?  See the Swim Meet To Do List.

Wondering why anyone would want to host a swim meet? See Why Host or Run Swim Meets?

This page does not list every person needed to run meets.  For a complete list, see the Swim Meet Worker Job Descriptions. Listed below are jobs which either must be filled by those with specific  certifications or skills, or else they require advance work before the meet. These jobs are best filled by designated people well before the meet starts.

Wondering how may people are needed for each job? Check out, Swim Meet Workers: How Many Are Needed?

Be aware that duties and titles may vary from place to place. Sometimes, one person fills multiple roles. Don’t get too hung up on titles.  The important thing is:

  1. That which needs doing, gets done, and
  2. Those involved are clear about “who is doing what” so nothing important slips through the cracks.

(Click job, or area, title below to see related information and links)


Does What

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